söndag 16 december 2012


onsdag 14 november 2012


Den 7 november besöktes Malmö och Music Doc av den 75-årige indiske musikern Charanjit Singh. Om det otroliga fenomenet Singh skriver The Guardian:

”In 2002, record collector Edo Bouman came across Ten Ragas in a a shop in Delhi. ”Back at my hotel I played it on my portable player, and I was blown away. It sounded like acid house, or like an ultra-minimal Kraftwerk.” But it was the date on the record that shocked Bouman. Released 1982, it predated the first acid house record – often regarded as Phuture’s Acid Trax – by five years. Bouman tracked down Singh to Mumbai. ”He was most friendly and surprised I knew the album. I remember asking him how he got to this acid-like sound, but he didn’t quite get my point. He didn’t realise how stunningly modern it was.”